Make a Special Napkin Folding | The Swedish National Flag

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Make a Special Napkin Folding | The Swedish National Flag


Show your love to Sweden with this unique napkin folding! This napkin that resembles a European national flag is done with two napkins. This type of napkin folding is perfect for any occasion you want to impress your guest with your napkin folding skills. It is also suitable for any Nordic-themed event. It also can be used on a coffee table or displayed on a plate to make an eye-catching centerpiece

So what makes this table napkin fold uniquely special? The napkin fold made looks like a Nordic flag. So by just switching the colors of the napkin, you can make various flags of Nordic countries. You can learn more about how to make these flags below!

This is a moderately  easy napkin to make, but this guide comes with pictures and detailed steps so even a beginner can make it. Have fun reading this napkin fold guide!

Step 1

Stack the yellow and blue napkins on top of each other to make this special napkin folding

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 01

To make this table napkin fold, prepare two napkins that are the same size. We need a blue and yellow napkin to make this Swedish flag.

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 02

Place the yellow napkin on top of the blue napkin. Please make sure they are exactly on top of one another. Proceed to the next set of steps.

Step 2

Make the cross design of the Swedish flag

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 03

We need to make the golden Nordic cross design that the Swedish flag is known for. To make this, fold the bottom left corner around the middle. Do not fold it precisely at the center.

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 04

Do the same on the right bottom corner as well. Take note that the flap corners should not be precisely at the center. The bottom corners folded should form a yellow vertical bar.

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 05

Repeat the previous step on the top corners of the napkin. Folding them around the middle makes the cross. Next, time to shape it into a flag!

Step 3

Shape the napkin into a rectangular flag.

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 06

The crossbar of the flag of Sweden is not symmetrical. Fold a big part of the left corner to the back.

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 07

For the right sides, fold only a small part of the corner to the back. The right crossbar should be longer than the one on the left side.

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Step 08

Shape the napkin into a rectangular flag by folding the bottom part to the back as shown in the image above.

How to Make a Special Napkin Fold (Swedish Flag) - Finish

Repeat the previous step on the top corner as well. When you have shaped the napkin into a rectangle, then the Swedish flag table napkin is done! Congratulations on making this special napkin fold!

Extra Tips

  • What's cool about this special napkin folding is that you can turn it into a different country's flag by switching the colors. There are some flags that you need three colors of napkin to make their national flag.
  • Turn it into the flag of Denmark by using a red and white napkin.
  • Use a blue and white napkin for the flag of Finland.
  • For the flag of Norway, stack a red napkin at the bottom, then a white napkin and dark blue napkin. Repeat the second set of steps twice.
  • Repeat the second set of steps twice as well. This time, stack a blue napkin at the bottom, then white and a red napkin on top.
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  1. This is amazing and seems so easy now that you showed me. I also wanted to see using basic napkins and not cloth ones. Thank you so much!!!! ❤️💕💕💕💕


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