How to Fold a Rectangular Origami Envelope Where You Can Put Letters

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How to Fold a Rectangular Origami Envelope Where You Can Put Letters


For this origami tutorial, we are going to make an origami bar envelope. A traditional way to reach out to someone is by writing them a letter. Using this paper envelope, you can write or draw a message to someone privately.

To do this, you will be needing a rectangular piece of paper, preferably with a 2:3 proportion. It is better to use a paper that has color on only one side so that you can write on the white side while the colored side will be the only one visible outside once finished.

Step 1

Create the base of the paper envelope

How to fold an OrigamiBar  Envelope - Step 01

Get a rectangular piece of origami paper. Bring the bottom side to the top side.

How to fold an OrigamiHow to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 01 Envelope - Step 02

The second step is to fold downwards the top layer in half. Make sure to fold the top layer ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Bar Envelope - Step 03

Again, fold downwards the top layer in half. Crease the paper well.

How to fold an Origami Bar Envelope - Step 04

Fold twice along the dashed lines shown. Use the creases made as a guide.

How to fold an Origami Bar Envelope - Step 05

Bring the top edge of the bottom layer downwards. Follow along the dashed line as illustrated above.

Step 2

Make the corners

How to fold an Origami Bar Envelope - Step 06

Diagonally fold along the dashed lines of the left and right corner.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 07

Fold the left and right sides using the folded triangles in step 6 as a guide. Crease the paper well and unfold.

How to fold an Origami Box Envelope - Step 07

Using the crease lines made as a guide. Fold diagonally along the dashed lines as shown.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 09

Unfold the corner triangles, then unfold it along the dashed lines shown.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 010

The origami should now look like this once unfolded. Using the creases made as a guide. Fold the top layer edge inward, then flatten the bottom corner triangles.

Step 3

Shape the envelope

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 011

Fold the top layer downwards along the dashed lines as shown. Make sure to fold the top layer ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 012

Fold the left and right edges inwards of the back layer and then lift the bottom triangles downward as shown.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 013

Tuck the corners inside along the crease lines as shown. Follow the dashed line as illustrated above.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 014

Make diagonal creases along the dashed lines by folding and then unfolding the paper.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Step 015

Lastly, hold the piece along the yellow dots. Bring the yellow points downward towards the inside of the envelope.

How to fold an Origami Bar  Envelope - Finish

Your origami bar envelope is finished! Close it by tucking it inside the pocket.

Extra Tips

  • If you're using a one-sided colored paper, face the colored side downward. If you would like, you can put a message on the white side beforehand.
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