Easy Origami Puffy Bunny Instructions

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Easy Origami Puffy Bunny Instructions


This cute origami puffy bunny is a great paper activity that can be done in your spare time. Once finished, kids are going to love to play with this paper rabbit shaped like a 3D cube.

You will need one piece of paper to do this papercraft. To inflate the origami rabbit, you will have to blow on the paper to inflate it.

Step 1

Make a waterbomb base of the puffy bunny

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 01

Start with a square piece of origami paper and lay it on a flat surface. Make a valley fold a crosswise and lengthwise from left to right (or right to left). After that, crease the fold well and unfold the paper.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 02

The second step is to flip the paper to the other side. Diagonally fold the paper exactly along the dashed lines.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 03

The crease marks should look like the crease lines as illustrated in the image above. Start pushing the paper from both sides as shown by the arrows.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 04

As you push the sides in, the background triangle should form. Hold it down as you continue to bring both sides together.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 05

Flatten the triangle made and the waterbomb base is done!

Step 2

Shape the base of the body of the origami rabbit

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 06

Bring the left and right corner to the top corner. Make sure to just fold the top layer along ONLY along the dashed lines.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 07

Fold the left and right corner to the center. Make sure to just fold the top layer along ONLY along the dashed lines.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 08

Bring the top corners of the top layer to the center.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 09

Tuck the two front flaps of the outer layer downward. Make sure to just tuck the top layer along ONLY along the dashed lines.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 010

Flip the origami paper to the other side.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 011

Fold the left and right corner to the center. You have now made the body of the puffy rabbit.

Step 3

Shape the body into a hexagon

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 012

Like turning a page from a book, turn the right side to the left.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 013

Fold the left corner of the origami paper to the center. Make sure to fold the top layer ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 014

Bring the triangular top flap to the right side of the origami piece.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 015

Like turning a page from a book, turn the flap of the left side to the right.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 016

Fold the right corner of the origami paper to the center.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 017

Bring the top right flap to the left.

Step 4

Make the paper bunny's ears

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 018

Form the ears of the bunny by folding the top layers outward along creases shown.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 019

Pry open the flaps on both ears.

Step 5

Puff it into a 3D cube

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 020

Fold along the dashed lines as illustrated on the image above. After that, crease the paper well and unfold.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Step 021

Lastly, blow on the bottom corner to puff up the body of the bunny.

How to fold an Origami Puffy Bunny - Finish

Your origami puffy bunny is done!

Extra Tips

  • You may draw the paper rabbit a face with a marker.
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