Learn How to Make a Paper Plate Fox

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Learn How to Make a Paper Plate Fox


Learn how to make a paper plate fox in a meadow.  A great recyclable craft that kids and beginners can do is this easy cardboard animal craft. What’s fantastic about this project is that it can stand on its own and make a great display on any shelf or table. No need to hang with a piece of string!

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  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • Puncher
  • Flower puncher (Optional)


  • Paper plate
  • Poster paint, crayons or colored markers
  • Glue
  • Green Japanese paper or crepe paper.
  • Googly eyes
  • Printable We recommend printing the printable in an A4 thick vellum board (at least 200 gsm) so that the cutouts will not be easily torn.
How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Materials
How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Materials

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Step 1

Color the printable for the paper plate fox

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 1

Print the printable on an A4 sheet of paper. Grab your chosen coloring materials (here, we used poster paint)and then color the base of the head and the bottom part of the tail with orange.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 2

Next, color the cheeks and the tip of the tail with a light yellow shade.

To make a light yellow color, mix yellow and white.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 3

Color the inner ears with a flesh/light pink shade by mixing red and white.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 4

After coloring, let the paint fully dry (if you’re using paint) and then cut along the outer edge of each element.

Do not throw the leftover paper. We will recycle it later to make flowers.

Step 2

Create the body of the paper plate fox

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 5

Get a paper plate and shape the body of the fox into a cone! Fold and unfold along the dashed line to divide the plate into four parts.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 6

Once the paper plate is divided into four parts, cut 1/4 of the paper plate. Use the crease marks as a guide on where the division of the paper plate is divided.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 7

To shape it into a cone, bring the edge of the bottom part to the top crease mark (dotted line). Doing this will naturally mold the paper plate into a cone.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 8

Staple the edges to keep the paper plate in place.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 9

The body of the paper plate fox is done!

Glue is OK to keep the cone in place. Just make sure that you allow the glue to set in completely, or the cone will not hold in place.

Step 3

Color the body of the paper plate fox

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 10

Before coloring the cone, draw a semi-circle on the bottom are of the cone. The semi-circle will be the belly of the fox.

Now color the outer area with orange paint.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 11

Color the belly with a light yellow shade.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 12

The body of the paper plate fox is done! Let it fully dry before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4

Assemble the paper plate fox

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 13

Get the cutouts, the paper plate cone, and a pair of googly eyes.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 14

Stick a pair of googly eyes on the head cutout.

If you don’t have googly eyes, then you may draw the eye instead.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 15

Attach the head at the top part of the paper plate cone. Position it above the belly.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 15a

Turn it around and paste the tail at the back.

You can trim the tail if you find it too long.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 15b

The paper plate fox is done! It’s cute, but you can level up this craft by creating a meadow for it to sit.

Step 5

Create a grass bed

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 16

To make a super easy grass bed, get a piece of Japanese paper twice as big as the paper plate. Fold it and crumple it.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 17

Un-crumple it gently. Make sure the paper does not tear.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 18

Lay it out into a rectangle like the image above.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 19

Lay a paper plate on top of it.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 20

Glue the edges of the paper to the top of the paper plate.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 21

Flip it over, and the grass bed for your foxy friend is complete!

Step 6

Decorate the grass meadow.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 22

Using the leftover paper from the printable, cut out some flowers to decorate the meadow.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 23

The best way is to use a flower-shaped craft puncher to make some flower cutouts.

If you don’t have a flower puncher, draw some flower shapes on the paper and cut them.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 24

Stick the flowers around the edges of the meadow.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 25

Once you have positioned the flowers, decorate the flowers with your chosen art materials.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 26

You can just put a colored dot on the center of each flower to keep things pretty and simple, or you can color the flower however you (and your kids) would like!

Step 7

Position the fox in the flower meadow

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Step 27

Lastly, place the fox in the center of the meadow.

How to Make a Paper Plate Fox - Finish

The paper plate fox is done!

Now you can use it as a display anywhere in the house.

Extra Tips

  • Besides our foxy little friend, you can use this flower meadow to display various animals.
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