How to Fold a Napkin Flower Bouquet Guide

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How to Fold a Napkin Flower Bouquet Guide


Maybe you are preparing for dinner on Valentine’s day or maybe your guest likes flower bouquets because it has a special meaning. Or maybe, you just like to learn this Bouquet Napkin fold for whatever reason.

Good news, we’ve got the perfect step-by-step guide for you!

Napkins function as table decorations and convenient clothing protection. With that said, this flower bouquet technique can be used with paper napkins.

In preparing a table, you have to think of color schemes. And the bouquet napkin makes use of two napkins so it can be fun choosing which colors would be best for your particular occasion.

Anyways, we hope you enjoy this guide below as well as learn from it.

Step 1

Arrange the Two Napkins


Prepare two napkins of different colors. Now, color combinations can either be visually appealing or pain in the eyes. So think about the occasion, the color scheme of the room, and of course make sure the two colors fit.


Choose one color to be on top of the other. As you can see, there are eight points. The top napkin is positioned such that the bottom edge faces towards you. While the other napkin's bottom point faces towards you! That was a handful - but now you've made good progress.

Step 2

Twist the Center of the Napkin Flower Bouquet


Gently pinch the center of the napkins so that you have a solid grip on it. Then twist it. Remember to include the bottom layer.


Do it a little further until you get a sturdy and long protrusion. Great job! Now it's time for the last steps of the technique.

Step 3

Secure the Fold with a Ribbon


Get a nice ribbon to secure the shape of the bouquet flower napkin. It doesn't have to be anything too fancy. Also, a napkin ring or a tie might work.


If you are using a ribbon, make sure to cut a long enough strip. You could always cut out the excess later.


Firmly grip the handle as you begin tying it with the ribbon. You don't want to lose the form.


Wrap the ribbon maybe twice or thrice for good measure. After this, there's only a few things left to do.


Make a shoe tie knot to secure the ribbon and the napkin's flower bouquet shape.

Wonderful. You have a unique yet nice-looking napkin fold, and we hope that you enjoyed this guide. And be sure to check out our other dozens of napkin folding instructions!

Extra Tips

  • For this napkin fold, color choice is important. Try to use any of the good color tool out there.
  • Be delicate with this instruction but this doesn't mean that it would take time to make.
  • Have fun all the way! Try to think of napkin as a relaxing activity.
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  1. Thanks for making this guide. not into giving real flowers and my girlfriend is not really too keen to receive one. but i remember one that I did give her it made her giddy… so a flower bouquet for our 9th monthsary is awesome

    • what the heck is a monthasry? i think this napkin fold does say “I’m giving you a bouquet of flowers although not really” ahaha ✌️. Works well if the girl is surprised


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