How to make a Napkin Folding Pyramid – (3 Easy Steps)

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How to make a Napkin Folding Pyramid – (3 Easy Steps)


Known for its simplistic elegance, this pyramid napkin is especially suitable for weddings. And also for birthdays! What’s great about this napkin is that it’s almost effortless to do.  You can fold many napkins for your guests in a short time.

Also, If you don’t have a cloth napkin then this pyramid can be folded with paper napkins as well as with cloth napkins! The steps provided are detailed and simple so that anyone can immediately begin folding pyramid napkins.

Have fun!

Step 1

Fold the napkin into a triangle base

How to Make a Table Folding Pyramid - 01

Get a square piece of napkin and lay it on a flat surface.

How to Make a Table Folding Pyramid - 02

Now bring the bottom corner to the top corner to make a triangle base.

Step 2

Fold the napkin into a smaller triangle

How to Make a Table Folding Pyramid - 03

Just because the napkin is shaped into a triangle doesn't mean it's a pyramid already. We need to make it thicker to stand like an actual pyramid. Make the triangle smaller by folding the right corner towards the top.

How to Make a Table Folding Pyramid - 04

Do the same for the left corner as well

How to Make a Table Folding Pyramid - 05

Then, flip the napkin over to the other side.

Table Napkin Folding Pyramid - 06

Make it into a smaller triangular base by bringing the bottom corner towards the top. It should now similar to the image above.

Step 3

Shape the napkin to a pyramid fold

How to Make a Table Folding Pyramid - 07

To complete the pyramid, you only have to fold the napkin in half vertically.

Table Napkin Folding Pyramid - Step 8

This is what your napkin should look once it has been folded vertically.

How to Make a Table Folding Pyramid - Finish

Flare it out slightly, and set it on a flat surface. Place the napkin pyramid in the middle of the plate and tilt it slightly. The closed side should be directed away from the viewer. Congrats on making your napkin folding pyramid!

Extra Tips

  • A beautiful table starts by folding a napkin into something stunning. Check out our other napkin folds that are super easy to do like this leaf napkin here!
  • Precision and attention to detail is the key to napkin folding. That said, enjoy the process.
  • If you can't get your cloth napkin to stand sideways, it's probably because it's not stiff enough. Use a thick piece of cloth or use paper napkins instead.
  • If you're in a pinch and are making food at home, no one wants their cloth to be wrinkled with a napkin on their plate. You can use tissue paper napkins for this easy paper napkin folding tutorial.
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