How to Easily Make an Origami Scottie Dog

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How to Easily Make an Origami Scottie Dog


There are many ways of making an origami dog and one of them is this cute Scottie Dog. A great origami activity for kids, beginners and dog lovers. This dog origami is very easy to do. You only need to follow these simple instructions and use a piece of origami paper to make this Scottie dog origami.

Step 1

Create the base of the Scottie dog

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 01

To make this origami Scottie dog, you need to get a piece of square origami paper. Fold the paper crosswise and lengthwise in half. Crease the paper well and unfold. Then, rotate the square into a diamond.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 02

Fold the origami paper lengthwise in half. Then, crease the paper well and unfold

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 03

Bring the left and right corners to the center. Use the intersecting crease lines and the dashed lines as a guide.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 04

We have now made the base of this paper dog! Unfold the right triangle flap of the origami paper to proceed to the next step!

Step 2

Build the dog's body

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 05

Fold the right corner to the vertical crease line on the right side. Follow the dashed line as a guide.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 06

Fold the right side of the origami paper to the left. Follow the dashed line and the direction the arrow lands on.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 07

Make the tail of the origami Scottie dog by folding the corner of the triangle flap to the left.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 08

Fold the origami paper downwards in half.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 09

The left part of your origami Scottie dog is the finished tail. Now fold along the diagonal dashed fold as shown. Make sure to fold the top layer ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 010

Your paper origami should look like this. Turn the piece around.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 011

Again, fold diagonally the bottom part of the origami paper upwards. Make sure to fold the top layer ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 012

Now fold along the dashed line of the top layer downwards. Make sure to fold the outer layer ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 013

Your origami Scottie dog should now look like this. You can see the tail peeking through. Turn the origami paper around.

Step 3

Form the chin of the little schnauzer

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 014

Almost done! Fold along the dashed line of the paper downwards. Makes sure to fold the outer layer ONLY.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Step 015

The final step is to make the Scottie dog’s beard. The beard is hidden inside the dog’s chin. Pull the hidden flap outside.

How to fold an Origami Scottie Dog - Thumbnail

Woof! Woof! Your origami Scottie dog is done! Why not draw some eyes to bring it to life!

Extra Tips

  • Customize it however you like by drawing its eyes or put some designs on its fur.
  • Use different kinds of paper to make variety of dog. Experiment on color, textures and various materials!
  • To make various breeds of dogs, use a specific color of paper. Example, make a dalmatian by using a white paper with black polka dots.
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  1. thank you sooo much this is REALY good and I have been trying to find a video on how to make a dog with origami and I finally found one! 😄😁


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