There are various ways to make a traditional origami heart. Making this paper heart can be a bit tricky, but this 14 step instruction will guide you on how to make your very own. Once finished, you can use it as a decoration or you may stick it on a card to give to someone special.
Create the rectangular base of the paper heart
To make this origami heart, use a square piece of origami paper. If you’re using single-sided colored paper, face the colored side down. Fold the paper horizontally and vertically in half. Crease the paper well and unfold.
The second step is to bring the top and bottom sides to the center crease line.
Prepare the necessary crease marks
Diagonally fold the paper on both sides. Follow along the dashed lines as illustrated above. Crease the paper well and unfold.
Fold along the diagonal lines as shown. Crease well and unfold.
Vertically fold along the dashed lines on both side of the paper. Crease well and unfold.
Connect the each sides (dots: yellow to yellow, red to red). Do not fold it fully in the middle.
Connect the ends together
Once folded it should look like the image above. Take note that a diamond shape was formed in the middle because of the crease marks made in the previous steps.
Bring the outside edges toward each other in the middle.
Connect the top corner and the bottom corner at the backside.
Shape it into a heart
The origami paper should look like this in side view . Fold the diagonal lines as illustrated above. Crease the paper well and unfold.
Using the creases made in the previous step, make an inside reverse fold on both sides.
Bring the outermost flap downward.
Fold the each of the triangles inward along the dashed lines.
Lastly, fold it back up.
Your origami heart is done! You may decorate the heart or use it as a décor once finished.
Extra Tips
- You origami heart is done! You may decorate the heart or use it as a décor once finished.
- Did you know that each color of a heart has varied meanings? Red means love, yellow or orange means friendship, while orange means you fancy someone. So if you're planning to make this origami for your lover, family member or bestie, do consider what color would suit it best. What kind of paper heart would you give your special someone?