There are many ways to fold a heart from a dollar bill. One challenging way is folding it until it becomes a heart with an intricate star pattern. This heart origami may be a bit tricky to do, but by following this step-by-step tutorial, you can have your own money heart that you can give to someone special.
This fold’s complexity is justified by its beauty. Surely, as soon as someone sees this they can see the work and patience involved. Have fun reading this guide, and we hope your dollar hear origami will turn out great!
Make creases at the dollar bill to make the waterbomb bases
To make this money heart, you need to form a waterbomb base on both ends. Lay a dollar bill flat in front of you and in landscape position. Fold the top corners towards the bottom edge.
Crease it well and then unfold.
This time, fold the bottom corners to the top edge.
Unfold the dollar bill after creasing.
Turn the dollar bill to the other side after unfolding.
Next, bring the left and right edges towards the middle. Fold along the intersection made by the diagonal crease lines.
Once you have folded the side edges, crease it well so that it forms crease mark needed to make the waterbomb base.
Unfold the paper again. Great job, now it's time to make the waterbomb base on each side of the dollar bill.
Make a waterbomb base on both sides of the dollar bill
Now, flip the paper again. Now you have made the necessary crease marks; it will now be easier to fold the left and right sides to the middle and create a waterbomb base.
Lets start with the right side first! Pinch along the top and bottom edges where the arrow points.
As you pinch, fold the right side (the triangular part) to the center.
Because of the crease marks, the dollar bill will naturally fold into something like image above.
Do the same for the left side. Now that you formed a waterbomb base on both sides. Fold the top and bottom corners diagonally along the dashed lines of each waterbomb base.
Make the star of the dollar bill heart
Now that you formed a waterbomb base on both side. Let's form the star design of the money heart.
See the arrow? Make a squash fold on the top right flap. First, lift that flap.
Pry open the flap, then squash it.
Make 2 squash folds on the topmost flap at the top right side. Crease along the dashed lines first.
Make 2 more squash folds on each of the corners. Same procedure as before, lift each flap, pry it open, then squash.
Do the same steps on the other corners as well.
Now fold the left part of the dollar bill to the back and proceed to the next set of steps.
Fold the bill Into a heart
Fold the left edge along the dashed line as shown.
Once it looks like the image above, flip the dollar bill to the other side.
Fold the dollar bill downwards in half. Fold the top layer only.
Tuck in that extra piece inside the heart to perfect the heart shape
It now looks like a paper heart, but the sides are pointy. Fold in the left and right corners to smoothen the shape.
Once the sharp side has been folded, it looks like an origami dollar heart! Flip it over to see the intricate star design!
A cool feature of the dollar bill change of heart
You're done! You now have a beautiful dollar bill heart! Looks amazing already, but we can level up this origami heart up a notch!
Do you know this origami dollar heart is also called Money Change of Heart? Go grab a quarter!
Place it inside the star! Pretty cool right? The coin can fit snugly in the star! Makes an awesome design!
Extra Tips
- Don't have a dollar bill on hand? No worries! You can use any paper bill currency you have or available in your country. What's great about most paper money is that it's durable to be folded and turned into anything.
- Money does not tear easily but it is prone to get crumpled. Practice with fake money or a rectangular piece of paper first if you're planning to give the bill/s as a gift.
- Remember, it is highly advisable that you should not cut, burn, staple, and/or iron banknotes. Handle it with care