Want to learn how to fold a napkin into a flower? Try the blooming tulip napkin. A simple yet sophisticated way to fold a napkin on a large surfaced plate. Making the petals of this napkin flower may look challenging, but is fairly easy to make.
We’ll discuss the process thoroughly with pictures. Even a beginner can follow and create their blooming tulip from a cloth napkin or paper napkin. This napkin fold will have three main steps. Once done, you can use this for formal events and fancy tea parties!
Create a smaller square to make the flower napkin
Your first step is to get a square napkin. A cloth or paper napkin is fine. Then find a comfortable workspace. Lay it on a flat surface as shown in the image above.
The next step is to fold the lower right bottom corner towards the center.
Then do the same for the rest of the corners. You'll then have a napkin that is orientated into a diamond. Good job so far, now it's time to move to the next step.
Create the bulb shape of the tulip napkin
Fold the bottom corner towards the middle.
And do the same for the left and right corners. Make sure to leave the top corner unfolded.
Then flip the napkin over. Great job so far! It now resembles the shape of a tulip!
Make the flower petals of the blooming tulip napkin
The tulip napkin looks a bit geometric. Let's make it look softer and MORE BLOOMING by adding petals to the tulip bud, fold the bottom right corner towards the middle.
Do the same for the lower-left corner to make a tulip petal.
There is a layer underneath the bottom corner. Gently unfold it so that your napkin would like the image above.
Unfold the bottom layers so that those side petals will expand towards the sides. Good job! The blooming tulip is now done!
Extra Tips
- This tulip napkin fold is a great serviette display, especially during tea parties. On a table setting, place the napkin on how the top of the main plate. Then, place the tea cup with its saucer on top of the napkin. You'd be surprised at how it elegant and fancy it would look at a tea party.
- For more napkin folds just browse through our suggested articles below.